Tag Archive: #bereavement

Bereavement Ministry Training 2024

Posted on June 10, 2024
The Corporal works and the Spiritual works of mercy are at the core of who we are as Catholics Christian. They not only identify who we are as a people; charitable, caring, compassionate and generous; they also identify the behaviors [read more...]

Bereavement Ministry Training 2023

Posted on August 15, 2023
Bereavement Ministry Training for New Ministers is currently taking registrations. The session will be held on Saturday, September 9 at St. Edna Parish in Arlington Heights. Bereavement Ministers assist grieving families prepare the funeral Mass to prayerfully and properly commemorate their loved [read more...]

Have You Ever Considered Bereavement Ministry?

Posted on May 4, 2021
The Corporal works and the Spiritual works of mercy are at the core of who we are as Catholics Christian. They not only identify who we are as a people; charitable, caring, compassionate and generous, they also identify the behaviors [read more...]

Holiday Greetings in These Difficult Times

Posted on December 1, 2020
Check the holiday card aisle in your favorite store. You’ll see “Happy Holidays!” and “Happy Hanukkah!” and “Merry Christmas!” – all messages of light and joy. Yet the holidays are not “happy” or “merry” for families who coped with death [read more...]