Parish News

Friendly Reminder: Beware of Email Scams

Posted on December 1, 2023
A friendly reminder Waysiders… Email scams increase this time of year. The most common are phishing attempts by unscrupulous individuals posing as Father Arthur asking you to reply by email. All seem to come from gmail. Father Arthur does NOT [read more...]

Sneaky Ways to Be Prideful (and How to Stop)

Posted on November 29, 2023
“I don’t… think… I’m prideful…?” Great! If you examine your actions and intentions and you don’t detect any obvious pride, that’s a wonderful thing. But as each one of us grows deeper in relationship with Jesus, he will reveal ever [read more...]

OLW Grotto Update

Posted on November 29, 2023
A 1,000-mile journey begins with a single step, and so a Grotto begins with site preparation. The dying maple was removed and the ground is being prepared. The concrete foundation that will support the Blessed Mother statue should be poured [read more...]

REP Update: Weeks of December 4 & 11

Posted on November 28, 2023
Here’s the REP Schedule for the Weeks of December 4 and 11... Saturday, December 2 1:00 p.m. Grade 2 First Reconciliation Service in Church Sunday, December 3 9:30 a.m. Family Mass; 1st Sunday of Advent 5:00 p.m. In Person Meeting [read more...]