Parish News

Rejoice Always

Posted on August 2, 2023
Dear Friend in Christ, “Everything is amazing and no one is happy.” This classic line from Louis CK on the Conan O’Brien show years ago pretty much sums up our culture at the present time, doesn’t it? We’ve never had [read more...]

SPRED Volunteers Needed

Posted on August 1, 2023
Our Lady of the Wayside’s SPRED Program volunteers answer Jesus’ call to discipleship by walking side-by-side with adults with developmental disabilities on their faith journeys. We are in urgent need of volunteers to help maintain the program’s continued success, and [read more...]

Happy Scenes from Totus Tuus 2023

Posted on August 1, 2023
Totus Tuus 2023 is a wrap! The week-long summer retreat for our youth in 1st through 12th grades was a huge success. Participants grew in their faith through skits, games, songs, celebrating the sacraments, and engaging interactive teachings. The themes [read more...]