
Reconciling God And Caesar

Posted on October 13, 2020
Reflection: 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A  When Jesus lived, the Roman Empire occupied Palestine. At that time, Caesar had called for a census tax. The Jews opposed this tax because they considered God their only ruler. This is [read more...]

A Call To Pray the Holy Rosary During October

Posted on September 29, 2020
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A  There are approximately seven billion people in the world. Only a little more than one billion of the population is Christian. Yet, we all share the same concerns and worries about our [read more...]

Father Arthur Shares a Litany of Humility

Posted on September 23, 2020
26th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A In the Gospel for this Sunday, Jesus speaks of the son who says, “I will not [work in your vineyard]” to his father, but then changes his mind and works in his [read more...]

We Are Called to Love, Not to Judge

Posted on September 1, 2020
23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A The most important maxim in each country is justice. Justice regulates the law in each society, such that societal order depends on it. However, when we consider God’s law, we discover that [read more...]

Upon This Rock I Will Build My Church…

Posted on August 22, 2020
21st Sunday of Ordinary Time The Catholic Church is God’s human reality in this world. But, the Church is also a mystery. Even when we begin to understand something about the Church, it still remains an unfathomable mystery. My brothers [read more...]