
Hidden Treasures: Finding God in our Life

Posted on October 31, 2023
The Search The pace of life in today’s world is ever increasing. It gets more and more difficult to focus on what are the important values in our life. To gain some insight into what’s really important, I looked back [read more...]

Why Your Parish Needs You?

Posted on October 24, 2023
Pulling one out of the vault.. Fr. Mike tells you why your parish priest needs you (and how you can help). The value of a new parishioner introducing him or herself to the parish and just asking the priest, “How can [read more...]

Love & Charity, Now

Posted on October 24, 2023
We need God and each other more than ever. The Gospel command to love God with our whole heart, soul and mind, and our neighbors as ourselves, brings this reality home. In a nation where we enjoy food, having our [read more...]

A Look Back at Respect Life Month

Posted on October 24, 2023
For the second year in a row, the OLW Respect Life Ministry scheduled a full month of events — from donuts to donations we not only invited the parish to pray for life through a very meditative novena, we once [read more...]

Isaiah’s Prophecy and Political Implications

Posted on October 20, 2023
Kathleen Miller led a Bible study session where she discussed the political implications of the readings. She highlighted Isaiah’s prophecy about a Persian emperor named Cyrus, who would free the Israelites from Babylon and allow them to return to the [read more...]

All To God; All For God

Posted on October 17, 2023
Everything that we are and everything that we have belongs to God. He created our bodies, our minds, our hearts, and our souls. God bestowed us with talents and gifts. Everything that happens in our lives—whether good or bad—is permitted [read more...]

The Parable of the Wedding in Gospel of Matthew

Posted on October 13, 2023
In this Bible Study introduction, Kathleen Miller discussed one of the the darker themes in the Gospel of Matthew, emphasizing Jesus’ preparation of his followers to make a decision to accept his grace. Kathleen further discussed an aspect of a [read more...]

Clothed in Our Mother’s Mantle

Posted on October 10, 2023
This Sunday’s Gospel says that those clothed in the wedding garment are admitted to the feast. Saint Augustine tells us that this wedding garment is charity, or love, “that springs from a pure heart, a good conscience, and sincere faith.” [read more...]

The Power of Eucharistic Adoration

Posted on October 9, 2023
“It is impossible in human terms to exaggerate the importance of being in a church or chapel before the blessed Sacrament as often and for as long as our daily duties allow…” ~ Father John Hardon Father John Hardon’s quote [read more...]