Photo Gallery

Grilling With Father Gilbert, Round 1

Posted on June 12, 2024
“Grilling with Fr. Gilbert” was a live auction item at the OLW Celebrate 70! Soiree.  Because it was such a popular item, Father agreed to host second outing, so we had two winners! The first group of winners, — the [read more...]

OLW Preschoolers Create a Garden for Mary

Posted on June 11, 2024
We are eager to further a love of nature in our PK friends (aka Gardening Angels) as we grow together with God. Thank you to our preschoolers for planting flowers in our Mary Garden/Preschool Flower Garden. Thank you to the parents [read more...]

Thank You for Your Music OLW Handbell Choir

Posted on June 4, 2024
Our Lady of the Wayside’s Handbell Choir just finished their season by ringing at 11:30 Mass this past Sunday. Following Mass, they enjoyed a well-deserved celebratory luncheon in the Gathering Place. The Handbell Choir is led by Cynthia Seputis, a [read more...]

OLW Bids Farewell to Dr. David Wood, Ryan Andersen

Posted on June 4, 2024
At the final School Mass of the 2023-2024 school year, Father Gilbert Mashurano, Deacon Peter LeTourneau, Deacon Jerry Brennan and OLW School students and faculty thanked and bid farewell to School Principal of 15 years, Dr. David Wood, and Teacher [read more...]

Scenes from June Outdoor Family Mass

Posted on June 3, 2024
Approximately 350 of OLW’s faithful (and guests) turned out for the season’s first Outdoor Family Mass last Sunday at 9:30 am. The Mass was concelebrated by a special guest, Bishop Jovitus Francis Mwijage of the Catholic Diocese of Bukoba, and [read more...]

Encore! More Butterflies Released, Now Mexico Bound

Posted on May 29, 2024
On Tuesday, May 28, Mrs. Pizza’s Kindergarten class, with the help of Father Gilbert, released several butterflies they watch morph from chrysalises. Before the release Father prayed with and blessed both the children and the butterflies. Many smiles 🙂  

“A Camino Experience,” with Deacon Paul

Posted on May 28, 2024
On Tuesday, May 21, Deacon Paul Onischuk packed the Gathering Place and provided an entertaining presentation and discussion on the many “God winks” experiences and lessons-learned on his recent pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. Enjoy!  

May Crowning

Posted on May 23, 2024
On Wednesday, Our Lady of the Wayside School students attended Mass and crowned our Blessed Mother. Second Graders processed in first, wearing their First Communion outfits, followed by our eighth-graders dressed in graduation gowns. Our eighth-graders led the mass by [read more...]

Butterflies Are Free to Fly

Posted on May 20, 2024
Mrs. Lewis’ Our Lady of the Wayside School Kindergarten Class marched outside sunny Friday afternoon to release butterflies they watched emerge from chrysalises. Father Gilbert was on hand to pray with our children and assist in the release. Rumor has [read more...]