
Join Us for Friday Morning Bible Study

Posted on May 8, 2023
You are invited to attend Friday Morning Bible Study, in the Cabrini Room of OLW Parish Center, for opening prayer at 9:30 am. Bible study also meets “live online” via Zoom, and welcomes homebound parishioners and participants outside our geographical [read more...]

Celebrate 70 Fun Fact: First School Faculty

Posted on May 8, 2023
In August 1954, four Dominican Sisters of St. Catharine of Siena, from St. Catharine, Kentucky, arrived to take up quarters in a wing of Our Lady of the Wayside’s new school until a convent could be built. The first class [read more...]

This Sunday: St. Mark’s Food Collection

Posted on May 8, 2023
This Sunday, May 14 is our next monthly food drive for St. Mark’s Parish. Drop off non-perishable food at the parish garage from between 9 am and noon. Most-needed items include: pasta noodles & sauce canned tuna & chicken canned [read more...]

Bible Study: Insightful Preview of Sunday’s Readings

Posted on May 5, 2023
(May 5, 2023) In her Friday Bible Study Group meeting this morning, Kathleen Miller offered an interesting and insightful preview of this Sunday’s readings as only she can. Acts 6:1-7 1 Peter 2:4-9 John 14:1-12 Please enjoy!

Scenes from OLW Grandparents Day Mass

Posted on May 4, 2023
Grandparents Day is one of the most joyful days celebrated at Our Lady of the Wayside. This year, Mass was celebrated in our packed church. Here are two videos capturing some of the scenes and sounds from today’s mass, taken [read more...]

Queen of Heaven and Earth

Posted on May 2, 2023
In today’s Gospel, we hear about how the Blessed Mother hurried to her cousin Elizabeth when she learned from the Angel Gabriel that Elizabeth was six months pregnant. Upon Mary’s arrival, Elizabeth exclaimed: “And how does this happen to me [read more...]

The Sacraments: Holy Orders

Posted on May 2, 2023
The last of the seven sacraments we will review is Holy Orders – a sacrament of Service. The Sacrament of Holy Orders is the continuation of Jesus Christ’s priesthood, which He bestowed upon His Apostles. Therefore, the Catechism of the [read more...]