
USCCB: No Taxpayer Abortion

Posted on June 4, 2021
Last Friday, President Biden released his 2022 budget which proposes to eliminate the Hyde Amendment and related pro-life provisions. USCCB’s Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, Chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities issued a statement expressing deep concerns. Read more/take action here: [read more...]

St. Marks Food Collection: June 13th

Posted on June 4, 2021
On Sunday, June 13th, we will have our monthly non-perishable food drive for St. Mark’s Parish.  In these difficult times their need for food is great and they are serving more people than ever. Our volunteers will be at the parish [read more...]

Place God in the Center of Your Marriage

Posted on June 3, 2021
In his homily on June 3, 2021, Our Lady of the Wayside Deacon Jerry Brennan encouraged married couples to pray together and to place God in the center of their marriage. Deacon Jerry provided compelling statistics supporting the adage, “Those [read more...]

OLW Ministries: Worship & Spiritual Life

Posted on June 1, 2021
Ministries are the lifeblood of any great parish and, as we begin to reemerge from a 15-month COVID-induced hibernation period, we are looking to REIGNITE our great Ministries. Our Lady of the Wayside Parish welcomes you to join our ministry [read more...]

School Gym Sports New Paint

Posted on June 1, 2021
While Our Lady of the Wayside parishioners celebrated the Memorial Day Weekend, our school gym received a good looking fresh coat of paint.  Next year’s Wildcat victories will now have twice the luster!

Reflection: Seeing The Body of Christ

Posted on June 1, 2021
St. Teresa of Calcutta shares a story that talks about seeing Jesus in the Eucharist and seeing Jesus in the poor people in the streets of Calcutta: “Our sisters had to go to the home of the dying. And before they went, I [read more...]

Save The Date: Juneteenth Prayer and Witness

Posted on June 1, 2021
This from our friends at St. James Parish (Peace & Justice Ministry)… Save the Date: Juneteenth Prayer and Witness Saturday, June 19, 10:00 – 11:30 am St. James Church, Arlington Heights  Juneteenth is a holiday celebrated on June 19 to [read more...]

We Remember. We Pray.

Posted on May 31, 2021
Today we salute and remember the men and women who serve, or have served, in our armed forces; who protect or have protected our country and our freedom, including our precious freedom of religion. Who pause to honor the fallen, [read more...]