We are eager to further a love of nature in our PK friends (aka Gardening Angels) as we grow together with God. Thank you to our preschoolers for planting flowers in our Mary Garden/Preschool Flower Garden. Thank you to the parents [read more...]
The weather was less than cooperative but didn’t dampen the spirits of those hearty parishioners attended this year’s Parish Picnic. The music was great and there was plenty of food and drink for everyone. We hope those who came had [read more...]
Whenever someone begins a sentence with, “This parable means…” I roll my eyes. (Sometimes I do this inwardly, to be polite. But I still do it.) We have a tendency to treat the parables like our mom’s favorite casserole recipe. [read more...]
It’s time to return the baby bottle you picked up on May 4-5! Bottles are due back Father’s Day weekend, June 16-17. Please drop your cash or check-filled bottles into the baskets located near all church entrances. If you choose [read more...]
Kathleen Miller recently led a Bible study at Our Lady of the Wayside, focusing on the theme of Blood in the Old and New Testaments. She highlighted the symbolic significance of blood in covenants, sacrifices, and encounters between humanity and [read more...]
You are invited to attend Friday Morning Bible Study, in the Cabrini Room of OLW Parish Center, for opening prayer at 9:30 am. Bible study also meets “live online” via Zoom, and welcomes homebound parishioners and participants outside our geographical [read more...]
Many Americans will be cooking outdoors as the weather heats up and with that comes a few health concerns, including foodborne illnesses. According to Barbara Melendi, a dietitian at Advocate Health Care, there are six things you can do to [read more...]
Get your foursome together and dust off your golf clubs! Join us at the Old Orchard Country Club for the Wayside Open (formerly the Celebrate 70! Golf Outing and Pastor’s Masters) on Friday, July 12. The shotgun starts begins at 12:30 [read more...]