Author Archives for Sean Reilly

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Posted on November 23, 2021
God of all blessings, source of all life, giver of all grace: We thank you for the gift of life: for the breath that sustains life, for the food of this earth that nurtures life, for the love of family [read more...]

Giving Thanks is Necessary

Posted on November 23, 2021
Giving thanks is not only good and polite. It’s not just a thoughtful gesture. Fr. Mike says, and the words we say in Mass seem to agree, giving thanks is necessary for our salvation—especially when it comes to giving thanks [read more...]


Posted on November 23, 2021
The First Sunday of Advent – Year C As the world gears up to immerse itself in the Christmas-before-Christmas chaos, we celebrate a time of stillness, preparation, repentance, and contemplation of the divine mystery of the Incarnation. For Catholics Advent [read more...]

Legacy Planning: What Will Your Legacy Be?

Posted on November 22, 2021
Your legacy is a reflection of your values and must be cultivated through thoughtful planning. If you want your assets to be given to the people and charities you care deeply about after your passing, then it’s important for you [read more...]

REP Update: Weeks of November 29 & December 6

Posted on November 22, 2021
Here is the REP Schedule for the Weeks of November 29 & December 6, 2021 Sunday, November 28, First Day/Sunday of Advent Monday, November 29, Food Drive for Little Sisters of the Poor Begins Tuesday, November 30, 1st through 4th [read more...]

Don’t Miss: Sacraments, The Treasury of Our Faith

Posted on November 21, 2021
Come one, come all to our Multi-Parish Mission – The Sacraments, the Treasury of Our Faith. Presenter: Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A. Date: November 29, 30 and December 1, 2021  (Monday – Wednesday) Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm Location: St. Edna Church, [read more...]