Author Archives for Sean Reilly

Come Together…

Posted on February 1, 2022
With all the COVID-related angst bombarding us, wearing us down, grinding our spirits, and causing division within our parish community, let us remember who is truly in charge, and who taught us by example and the sacrifice of His life, [read more...]

Email SCAM Alert (Again)

Posted on January 31, 2022
Heads up Waysiders… There has been yet another e-mail SCAM attempt from an unscrupulous individual or group posing as Father Marat, using a FAKE Gmail address. Do NOT respond to this email. Just hit DELETE. Always remember… Father Arthur does [read more...]

Happy Birthday Father Dominic!

Posted on January 28, 2022
If you see this guy around the OLW Campus today, please be sure to wish him a Happy Birthday 🙂  

Giving Light to the Darkness: Panel Discussion Resources

Posted on January 26, 2022
Giving Light to the Darkness: A Panel Discussion on Depression On January 17, 2022, the Meeting Mental Health With Grace Ministry, hosted a panel discussion on Depression.  Here are resources from the presentation: The Serenity Prayer Depression Summary Holistic Self-Care Scriptures [read more...]