Author Archives for Sean Reilly

Scenes from Faith Into Action (April)

Posted on April 24, 2023
Our Lady of the Wayside’s Faith Into Action Ministry gathered in the OLW School gym on Sunday, April 23rd and put faith in action. Our children (and parents) made Hail Mary prayer flowers and prayed for those who will receive them, [read more...]

Are Your Allergies Getting Worse?

Posted on April 24, 2023
Most people can tell spring has finally arrived because of warmer temperatures, more sunshine and birds chirping. If you have seasonal allergies, you know that spring has arrived because your allergies have taken up residence and brought with them itchy [read more...]

Jesus Let His Hair Down, Too

Posted on April 24, 2023
Many people think Jesus was stoic or pious, but the opposite is true. Jesus enjoyed life to the fullest. He gathered with friends. He attended wedding celebrations. He celebrated holidays with family. Jesus understood the need for social interaction and [read more...]