
Father Marat Reflects on Miracles, Faith and Eternal Life

Posted on August 16, 2020 by Published by

20TH Sunday of Ordinary Time

In today’s Gospel, we heard about two different miracles that happened when Jesus was living on the earth. The reality is, however, miracles happen even today. The question is whether or not we see these miracles. It is not possible to see God’s miracles when we are surrounded by noise, things, and many people. It is not possible to see God’s miracles when we are distracted. It is also not possible to see miracles when we do not surround ourselves which that which evokes our faith.

To see miracles, we must spend time in silence. To see God’s miracles, we must, first of all, take time to be with God in prayer. To see miracles, we must do all that we can to grow deeper in our faith in order to see the world through the eyes of faith.

In today’s Gospel, we heard the account of two different miracles; first, the miracle of the healing of the daughter who was possessed by demon, and second, the miracle of the faith mother of this girl. I would like to speak mainly about the second miracle, where Jesus saves the Canaanite woman’s daughter from possession by devil and the grips of death. My brothers and sisters, death comes to each person, whether great or unimportant, known or unknown. As we have recently heard about the death of many people during pandemic time, we are forced to confront the reality that we, too, will one day die. We will one day pass from this world into the next.

My brothers and sisters, I do not think that Jesus needed to perform this miracle in order to solve the problem of death. Rather, I believe that he performed this miracle of raising the little girl from being possessed by devil so that we might believe in Him and have faith.

While the media tells us a lot about the deaths of people and focuses on the details surrounding their deaths, perhaps now is a good time to think more deeply about this mystery. Perhaps now is a good time to remember that death is not the end of life. Instead, it is only a phase—a passage from this life into the next. And perhaps now is also a very good time to ask ourselves: “What do I think about death? What is my attitude toward death? Do I, as a Catholic, believe that Jesus died and resurrected so that I might have eternal life?”

If we truly have faith and invite Jesus into our lives and live according to His teachings, then there we might meet with Him in Heaven. Do you have faith, my brothers and sisters? Do you truly believe?

I would like to invite you to take some time during this weekend to spend time in silence and to contemplate the gift of eternal life. Eternal life is truly the greatest miracle—the greatest gift from God. And God makes this gift possible for us to receive through Jesus Christ. Each day God is inviting us to participate in eternal life, but do we follow Him? To we respond to the call?

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Arthur Marat

Readings for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Lectionary 118

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