REP News – For Week of July 6th
The R.E.P. program is in need of Catechists for the following grades beginning in September 2020:
- 1 Catechist for Grade 1, meets every Tuesday from 4:00-5:15 p.m.
- 1 Catechist aide for Grade 2, meets every Tuesday from 4:00-5:15 p.m.
- R.E.P. Office volunteer from 4:00-5:15 p.m. Answer phones, complete attendance logs, help with collating, filing, general office duties. If you and a friend want to share every other week, please consider signing up.
Please consider this ministry and join other dedicated Catechists who impart their faith and knowledge to the children of our parish. We provide extensive support and direction throughout the year. The texts are very easy to use and lend additional supplements for instruction. Please call the R.E.P. office, 847-398-5011, and we can give you more information.
Guidelines for reopening the schools and classes were issued by the state of Illinois this past week. The guidelines were provided to the media at the same time as schools received them. As such, we have just begun reading through them. The Chicago Archdiocese is currently reviewing the new state guidelines as they relate to their own plans. They have indicated they will be providing specific details to school administrators in the next 2-3 weeks. The Office of Catholic Schools has been working on its own re-opening plan for several weeks. We continue to wait for the details needed to finalize a specific plan for OLW. At that time, we will be able to finalize plans for REP and communicate them to all our families.
REGISTRATION For the Religious Education Program, Grades 1-8, For Year 2020-2021
As we prepare classes for the new Religious Education year and develop safe plans under state guidelines for COVID, we encourage all families to complete the registration packets found on the parish website. Receiving all the required paperwork makes finalizing classroom placement and obtaining books, supplies and most importantly, catechists, more efficient. If you have any questions please call the Office at 847-398-5011.
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