
Tips And Worship Adjustments As We Return to Church

Posted on June 20, 2020 by Published by

As we begin to reopen our church for public prayer, I thought I would take the opportunity to draw your attention to some customary worship practices that have changed.

  1. The Archdiocese upon recommendation of the CDC and other public health officials is not allowing us to furnish any sort of hymnal or worship aid at this time. That is why the hymnals, envelopes and leaflets have been removed from the pews and we have temporarily ceased our production of worship aids. The hymnals have been stored. So, if you wish to obtain a personal a personal copy of the Scripture you may contact: or call 1-866-273-5215. Other digital resources are:, and
  2. There will be no congregational singing at this time because of the increased aerosol projections of the breath during the act of singing. All music during the Mass will be instrumental.
  3. There will be no passing of the of the offertory baskets by the ushers, so we ask that you please leave your offering in the box provided as you enter or exit church. Also, the offertory procession of gifts has been omitted until further notice.
  4. Bulletins will not be handed out at church, they are digitally available on the parish website, there are some hard copies available in the blue bucket by the parish office front door.

All of these measures and adjustments in our worship have been based on safety and public health and we most certainly hope that they are temporary. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we strive to reassemble physically as the community of faith of Our Lady of the Wayside.

– Dan McMahon, Director of Music

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