
World Mission Sunday 2024, Letter From Cardinal Cupich

Posted on October 14, 2024 by Published by

October 20, 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Today we join with every diocese around the globe to celebrate World Mission Sunday. This day of prayer and action supports the vitality and growth of the Church everywhere, but especially the most remote and struggling dioceses. Our celebration of the Eucharist, works of solidarity, and personal sacrifice all contribute to the good of the Church beyond our local boundaries.

This year, Pope Francis has selected the theme “Go and invite everyone to the banquet” (cf. Matthew 22:1-14). As he said in his message for World Mission Sunday, the parable of the wedding feast reminds us that mission “is a tireless going out to all men and women, in order to invite them to encounter God and enter into communion with him.” We make this invitation with urgency, but also with respect and kindness, joy and generosity. We have been sent to invite “everyone, everyone, everyone,” as Pope Francis is fond of saying. Everyone is invited to receive God’s grace and be transformed by it.

On World Mission Sunday, we participate in the mission of the Church by offering our witness to the Gospel in every context. The special collection taken up on this day contributes to the universal fund of solidarity that is distributed in the Pope’s name for the needs of the Church’s missions. You may also give electronically by clicking HERE. There are 1,150 territories where the church is young, persecuted or struggling. Your gift supports the pastoral and evangelizing work of the Church, including building churches, providing healthcare and education, and training future priests and religious.

Let us give thanks for the work of missionaries who have gone far from their homeland to bring the Good News to God’s people. Let this time of spiritual renewal in our archdiocese inspire us to go out and invite all to the banquet of the Eucharistic table. Wishing you every blessing, with kind regards, I remain,

CLICK HERE to give electronically via Give Central.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Blase Cardinal Cupich
Archbishop of Chicago

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