
OLW CFM: We Are Better Together!

Posted on August 26, 2024 by Published by

We all need support to live the life we are called to live. In Christian Family Movement (CFM) you will discover the love and support of friends who will journey with you through struggles and joys. You will build lifelong friendships with families who are striving after the same goal: following Jesus and being his hands, feet, and heart in the world. In CFM you will be formed and transformed.

To learn more about CFM, contact CFM Chaircouple, Neal & Maureen Loughery, at

What parishioners shared when asked what they valued about CFM:

“Connecting with other Christians who value what Scripture has to teach us. Discussing how Scripture applies to our lives is always fascinating and fulfilling.”
–Jason & Elisa Suchy

“The special opportunity to meet with our small action group to discuss faith and God. Service projects are one of my favorite things about CFM.”
–Brad Shewmon

“I value the community building and strong faith sharing using the Observe, Judge, and Act method.”
–Sally Shewmon

“Multi-generational experience shared openly.”
–Matt & Katy Baumgartner

“The tight community and ability to discuss our faith openly and proudly.”
–Greg & Patricia Sutter

“Friendships made and rekindled. Continuing on our faith journey together.”
–Phil Lannon

“The parish and all the people I know from our years in CFM. CFM leads to a wonderful fellowship.”
–Kathy Lannon

“It’s nice to connect with other couples that have children and make lasting friendships.”
–Kevin & Nancy Doheny

“We are reminded of the importance of keeping God in the center of our family life and model this to our children.”
–Chuck & Kathy Wilk

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