Middle School Bathroom Project Updates

Bathroom Renovation Continues

Posted on July 9, 2024 by Published by

We continue to edge closer to our fundraising goal to renovate the bathrooms in the Fr. Mackin Center, but we can’t take our foot off the gas. As of May 1, 2024, we have raised $61,116, which is in addition to the $130,000 previously raised.  This leaves us with $108,884 still to go.

The Father Mackin Center is not only used by OLW School children, but it is also regularly used for parish events. The bathrooms we are renovating are 60 years old and we will all benefit from this project.

To contribute to the renovation, please bring a check to the parish or school office (be sure to write “Bathroom Renovation Project” on the memo line.

You may also contribute electronically though GiveCentral by CLICKING HERE.

If you have questions or comment about the project, please feel free to reach out to Patrick Fitzgerald, Operations Director, at pfitzgerald@olwparish.org or Danielle Kenney, Marketing and Development Director, at dkenney@olwschool.org.

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