
Operations Director Corner: Update

Posted on June 18, 2024 by Published by

The lazy, hazy, dog days of summer are here! A couple thoughts this week…

The Parish Picnic came together well, in spite of a wet start. Those who came and braved the weather were treated to good food, cold beverages and tuneful music. A BIG THANK YOU to Katy Baumgartner, event coordinator, to the Knights of Columbus who grilled and help set up the tent, and to all who generously gave their time to help set up and run the picnic. We literally couldn’t do it without you!

For the record, we could have used more help, especially on set up and take down. Please, you don’t have to spend all day working on the event, but giving just a few hours makes the job easier for all involved. Many hands make light work. Our Parish is ALWAYS in need of volunteers. Please consider being a #doer and #differencemaker, and lending a hand.

The Fr. Mackin Center bathroom renovation project is in full swing – abatement is completed, core drilling, demo and piping are in process. The countdown clock is ticking! We are still in need of financial donors for this project.

The new front doors of the church have had a temporary setback. We hope to be back on track by the time you read this column.

Everyone keeps asking if I am enjoying the slower pace of our parish during this summer.

Be safe and enjoy your summer! What slower pace?

Vivat Jesus,
Patrick j. Fitzgerald
Operations Director

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