
Operations Corner: June

Posted on May 28, 2024 by Published by

Happy Summer! Yes, I know I am 18 days early, but hey, it feels like summer, so go with it.

Most people kick back in the summer, play golf, go to the beach and cook out. Not here at OLW.

Fr. Arthur will return to a much brighter and clearer vision as all the windows on the second floor of the rectory were replaced this past week. He and Fr. Gilbert should have a whole new outlook.

The middle school bathrooms remodel kicks off this coming week – the ones used by all at our outdoor parish festivities. We are excited to begin this major undertaking. With the input and assistance of several parishioners we are ready to start. Look for pictures and updates in a couple weeks.

Next week our lighting contractor, who has already brightened the exterior of our buildings, will start replacing light fixtures in the elementary school, middle school, and parish center. Every fixture will be replaced with high-efficiency LED fixtures. This should really brighten everyone’s day!

All these projects, while Vacation Bible School and Camp Galileo are in-process, will make for a very busy campus over the summer.

Our new landscaping service, Rooney Landscaping, is doing an awesome job. Have you seen the new red bud trees that were planted on the Park Street side? Back on Saturday, May 18th, they sent five crews to the OLW campus for spring cleanup and worked all day. We were impressed. Keep your eye out for more changes coming to our grounds.

Perma Seal raised the sidewalks leading into the Gathering Place and the elementary school entrances, eliminating the trip hazard that has plagued those doorways for the last few years. The sidewalk In front of the elementary school had to be raised over three inches. Talk about stepping up for higher education!

By the time you read this, the new doors for our church should be on order. Don’t get too excited, they have a 14–16-week lead time. They should be installed just in time for the colder weather. Another much-needed campus item.

In case you cannot tell, we are on a mission at OLW to improve our campus, lighting, landscaping, windows, doors, etc. But that is just on the outside, and only the beginning. It is what we are changing and doing on the inside that is important. Have you heard the musical talents of our new Youth Minister/6:00 PM Mass choir director, Emilia Walasik? We are blessed to have Emilia on staff. If you are in high school and play an instrument or like to sing, Emilia would really like to talk to you.

Our new Director of Lifelong Faith Formation, Patty McCarthy, did not waste time jumping into her new position. The plans she has for the fall may sound familiar, but I promise you things are changing. Please reach out to Patty if you would like to be a catechist next fall.

Thank you for your continued support of OLW. We cannot do any of this without you. If any of the above projects move your heart and you feel called to make a contribution, please reach out to me directly at or simply call 847.253.5353.

Vivat Jesus,
Patrick j. Fitzgerald
Operations Director

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