
Mother’s Day Support for Catholic Charities

Posted on April 29, 2024 by Published by

Spring 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

May is a month to remember and celebrate the mothers and mother figures in our lives. These women-on whom all generations depend-are essential to the fullness of God’s plan for human life.

May is also the month when we celebrate the important work of our Catholic Charities. Helping mothers in need is core to our Catholic faith and a cornerstone mission for Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Whether they be single mothers, mothers of children with special needs, foster mothers, or mothers who are migrants, we help them and their children.

Your generous donation to the Mother’s Day Collection for Catholic Charities enables this urgent work. Catholic Charities was founded more than a century ago by the Archdiocese to help those in need in Cook and Lake counties. As the largest provider of human services in our region, Catholic Charities serves nearly 400,000 people annually. This tremendous reach of services is only possible through your generous support.

Each year I call on our parishes to support Catholic Charities, and so I encourage you to be generous by contributing, either:

Thank you for your on-going support and partnership. May Mary, our Mother whom we honor in May, continue to inspire us to take up the mission of her Son with joyful enthusiasm.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Blase Cardinal Cupich

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