Operations Director Corner: April
Well, we made it through the first 90 days. The good news is that all the buildings are still standing, the heat is still working, and the lights are still on!
Speaking of lights. Did you notice that all the lights above the stations of the cross were glowing during stations of the cross this lent? Oh, and have you noticed how much brighter the outside of all the buildings are these days? No, I do not mean just the eternal equinox. We have upgraded all the lights on the outside of all the buildings including the church with higher output lumens. For example, the new fixtures on the middle school have gone from 3,000 lumens to 6,600 lumens. Best of all, these new brighter lights will cost the parish less to operate. Sometimes it is the little things that go unnoticed that can make a difference. We also added another flood light on the top of the west end of the elementary school so there is no longer a dark spot as you pass between buildings.
We are working hard for a brighter future at Our Lady of the Wayside in so many ways. Stand by for more to come.
Thank you again to all who give so generously of your time, talents, and treasures.
Should you ever have a concern or wish to make special contribution to any of our current projects please reach out to me at
Vivat Jesus,
Patrick j. Fitzgerald
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