
Operations Director Corner: February

Posted on February 12, 2024 by Published by

Top of the list – Thank you to all who generously supported OLW during the past year. Our Sunday collections were up 7% over 2022. Second, we benefited from an 8.7% increase for the last quarter of the year vs the same period in 2022. We thank you.

Moving forward –

  • The contract for the second-floor windows in the rectory is signed, a deposit paid and the measurements have been sent to the manufacturer.
  • We have chosen an Architect and a Contractor for the updating of the Middle school bathrooms. Keep in mind, this work will mean the middle school will be off limits from June 17 to August 3, while the work is being performed.
  • Final bids for the new Front Doors of the Church are pending. We hope to issue this contract in the next 30 days.
  • We are currently reviewing a bid to change all exterior campus lighting to LED to enhance our nighttime visibility and safety. ComEd is offering very attractive incentives that make this possible.
  • The facilitators/leaders who gave us the great Celebrate 70 parties have agreed to help plan and execute this year’s parish activities: Parish Picnic, Golf Outing and of course our own Polish Oktoberfest! (You don’t get that in Munich.) If you would like to be a part of any of those committees feel free to email me or watch the coming bulletins and Wayside Wednesdays for sign-up details.

As we enter the season of Lent, I hope you will avail yourself to the many opportunities to celebrate this special time in our liturgical year:

  • Ashes on Ash Wednesday
  • Eucharistic Adoration; 40 hours 2/14-2/17 and all five Saturdays of Lent
  • Stations of the Cross & Soup supper, each Friday, led by the lay people of the parish.
  • Tuesdays Together, Mass, Adoration and Confessions
  • Rosary; Monday – Saturday @ 8:00 AM and before the 11:30 mass
  • Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit, March 2-5th in the Gym

Finally, Lent is a time of Almsgiving. While our collections increased in 2023, we are far from where we were pre-Covid. I ask you to prayerfully consider increasing your weekly giving by the amount you may have spent on the things you are offering up for Lent. My list of projects and things needing attention continues to grow each week. I promise, any additional offerings you can send our way will be put to immediate good for our Parish. If you would like to discuss giving strategies for upcoming projects here at OLW, please reach out to me at


or 847-253-5353 x229.

Thank you.

Vivat Jesus,
Patrick j. Fitzgerald, OD

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