Grotto Action Update
The Grotto is really progressing. Now we face the hardest part—paying for the work.
Rooney Landscaping has been extremely generous with their time, talents and payment terms. As you can see the majority of their work is complete and they deserve to be paid. Thankfully, we can pay them! The Knights would like to thank all who have generously donated to this point.
We are currently $10,000 short of our $30,000 goal, however. There is still time, and plenty of room, for you to make a Grotto contribution. Please prayerfully consider doing so if you can. Every dollar helps!
Please send your donation to:
Our Lady of the Wayside
Attn: Chris Otero
434 W Park Street
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
*Please note on the memo line: OLW Grotto Project.
You may also give electronically via Give Central by CLICKING HERE.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity.
Tags: #blessedvirgin, #grotto, #grottoproject, #olwgrottoproject, #olwparish, #ourladyofthewayside
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