Join the “LIFE Brings Hope!” March
Join Northwest Families for Life, the Knights of Columbus, and several neighboring parishes — including Our Lady of the Wayside — in the March For Life. The march will kick off on Saturday, October 21, at 1:00 pm, from St. Theresa Parish in Palatine (455 N. Benton Street).
The theme this year is “LIFE Brings Hope!”
The culture of death is spreading despair across the state of Illinois. It is up to each one of us, as faithful Catholics and Christians, to bring hope to a hurting world. Events like these do three things:
- Uplift and energize the pro-life community and each pro-lifer who attends.
- Act as a visible sign to the community that there are still MANY people here that believe in human goodness.
- Call upon the strength of the Holy Spirit in a most powerful way.
Teens from Crusaders for Life will be leading the march again with their energy and enthusiasm, not to mention drumming and singing!
Schedule of Events:
- 1:00 — Gather in the gym for music, prayer, and inspirational speakers.
- 2:00 pm — Walk to Northwest Highway lining the street with pro-life supporters.
- 3:00 pm — Return to the gym for refreshments and prayerful thanks.
For more information, visit or emil
Tags: #abortion, #marchforlife, #northwestfamiliesforlife, #nwfl, #prolife, #respectlife
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