OLW Envelope Challenge
We need help from parish and school families, friends and family, to complete this Envelope Challenge to raise money for our parish and school.
Step 1: Take an envelope (or more than one)! They are located in the back of the church. The donation amount is listed on the bottom of the envelope.
Step 2: Place donation inside the envelope or scan the QR code on the envelope to pay with a credit card. Fill in the contact information on the front of the envelope. Make a check out to either OLW Parish or OLW School.
Step 3: Drop the envelope in the lockbox located next to the envelopes at the back of the church, or drop off the envelope to the parish or school office.
If you do take an envelope, please be sure you complete the pledge. If all envelopes are taken and money donated, we will raise $125,000 for our parish and school.
We can do it!
Tags: #envelopechallenge, #fundraiser, #olwparish, #olwschool
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