Nearly Tootsie Roll Time!
Intellectual Disabilities
The Knights and their friends will be collecting donations after the masses on September 11th and 12th to help those in our parish with INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES.
100% of the funds collected at those masses will be donated to Our Lady of the Wayside’s Special Needs (SPRED) Ministry.
Please remember to grab your loose change, or a few dollars, to drop into our containers for your fellow parishioners who desperately need your help.
If you are willing to assist in our street or storefront collections, please come to The KC Hall, located at 15 N. Hickory Avenue on September 18th and 19th.
Must be 18 years and older to work at intersections.
Thank you in advance from the Knights of Holy Rosary Council 4483
and those requiring your support!
Parish Contact: Scott Baxendale 847-909-3723
Tags: #intellectualdisabilities, #kofc, #kofc4483, #ministry, #tootsieroll
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