
OLW Welcomes Danielle Pitzer, Director of Lifelong Faith Formation

Posted on August 10, 2021 by Published by

Dear OLW Parishioners,

I am excited to begin my new position as Director of Lifelong Faith Formation at the parish. This position aligns with the Archdiocese Renew My Church initiative. It falls under the Office of Lifelong Faith Formation within the Archdiocese, and includes providing faith formation opportunities and resources for catechetical leaders, catechists, teachers, adults, youth, children, and families.

For the past 14 months I have been the Director of Youth Ministry at St. Edna in Arlington Heights. As the youth minister there, I led confirmation preparation for middle school students as well as leading the youth ministry program. I was blessed to experience the challenges of ministering during Covid.  Due to the restrictions we faced to help keep everyone safe and healthy, I was able to develop new and creative ways to catechize and interact with the parish youth. I was also able to collaborate with other parish ministries to offer two outdoor ministry opportunities to our families: a drive-through trick-or-treat experience and a drive through stations of the Nativity of Our Lord experience.

I am two thirds of the way through a master’s degree in pastoral studies at University of St. Mary of the Lake (USML/Mundelein Seminary). This degree is designed for lay ministers and has helped me immensely in my ministry to date. In April I earned my Lay Ecclesial Ministry certification, also from USML.

I am looking forward to meeting and working with you. My email address is


 – please feel free to contact me at any time.

May the light of God’s love surround you always,

Danielle Pitzer,
Director of Lifelong Faith Formation

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