
Open Wide our Hearts: Enduring Call to Love

Posted on March 15, 2021 by Published by

Study sessions to learn, pray, and reflect how our Catholic faith calls us to respond

Six Wednesday Sessions:
March 24 – April 28, 2021
Virtually on Zoom from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish
22333 W. Erhart Rd in Mundelein

While we would like to believe that we have come a long way in the fight against racism, systemic racism still very much exists in our institutions and communities, causing great hardship and division. As Catholics, we are called by our faith to approach this very difficult topic with love, and work toward a better world for all God’s Children. A society in which all members have opportunity to flourish benefits us all. Discussion sessions are written to accompany the USCCB pastoral letter against racism, Open Wide Our Hearts.

** Registration is required to attend the session **
You can register or find more information at the parish website


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