
We Remember…

Posted on November 10, 2020 by Published by

The 8:30 am Mass on Tuesday November 17 will be offered for the repose of the souls of family and friends listed on the All Souls Day envelopes submitted by parishioners.

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them, may their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace.

Jack Gill

Evan Gill

Leonore & Peter Wampach

Ken Wampach

Tom Amberg

Giselle & Carl Amberg

Stephanie Amberg

Tom Swanson

John O’Hara

Barb Ferket

Jan Mathison

Suzanne Noonan

Joseph & Santa Panarale

Lillian & Walter Schrage

Adele Schrage

Rick Schrage

Wally Schrage

Judi Schubert

Lou Panarale

Grace & Herb Lorenz

Catherine & Joe Recht

Lillian Szymaszek

Stan Szymaszek

Robert Hurst

Dan & Delores Lombardo

Jim & Mary Lombardo

Maureen Pirelli

Tony Caposey

Donna Barrett

Wally Smealik

Sharon Starsavich

Ruth Ginsbeg

Patrick & Theresa Barry

John & Dorothy Sloan

Terry Sloan

David Weidner

James Mullen

Rose Mary & Phil Quattrocchi

Rose & Pasquale Caruso

Rose & Frank Nauheimer

Mom & Dad Rajchel

Ethel Comstock

Harry Comstock

Alice Hughes

Andrew Hughes

Ritamarie Comstock

Leonard Netzel

Genevieve Netzel

Anthony Mazzone

Madeline Mazzone

Lueveta Segreto

Diane Stachowiak

Elizabeth Malik

Bruno Zachman

James Zachman

Peter Zachman

Bernice Zmudha

Raymond Zmudha

Rudolph Zmudha

Ann Lezon

Casimira Szawcia

Elizabeth Bodzianowski

Czeslawa Zachman

Ted Zydlo

The deceased members of:

The Bettis Family

The Lowe Family

The Rohlman Family

The Sterkowicz Family

The Swift Family

The Frank Family

Aaron Winscher

Matthew Bellis

Andy Pelc

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Jablonski

Mr. & Mrs. Jon Jablonski

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Ozakiewski

Mr. & Mrs. John Gilbert

Gerald Kaforski

Mr. & Mrs. Laddie Kokula

Tom Graff

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Drzecki

Rog Drzecki

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Jablonski

Billy Jablonski

Mr. & Mrs. Aug. Graff

Pat Jablonski

Mr. & Mrs. Phil Kalas

Rudolph Jablonski

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Jablonski

Frances & Paul

John & Mary

Gienia & Jim








Family, Friends & Acquaintances

My Intentions

Irene & Robert Loughery

Bernadette & Edward Madden

Anne Kisla

Edwin Kilsa

Madeline Griffin

Julia Baronski

LeRoy Corcoran

John Malarski, Sr

Clementine Malarski

Jack Malarski


Valentino Frizzi

Domenica Frizzi

Charles Switajski

My Brothers & Sisters who have passed away

Marcia Szemiot

Michael Szemiot

Jon Najdzion

Kazimiera Najdzion

Chris Najdzion

Rest of Family & Friends

Marianne Malone

Tommy Malone

Mike Malone

Joe Malone

Maybeil Malone

Patricia Malone

James Malone

All of Us




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