Food Donations Needed for OLW St. Vincent DePaul Society
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on us all, but disproportionately on those in greatest need. Therefore, OLW St. Vincent DePaul is teaming up with the Catholic Charities Food Pantry. This is in addition to, and does not conflict with the regular St Mark’s food drive that our parish so generously supports. Cole Schnaudigel is leading this initiative on our behalf.
Donations may be dropped off in the bins on the porch at 404 S Mitchell Avenue between August 24 -31. Items most in need are…
- rice
- dried beans
- PB&J
- canned vegetables
- pasta and sauce
Monetary donations are also welcome (payable to Catholic Charities) and will be used by CC to purchase perishables. You know the drill, but contact Cole at
or 847-385-8480 if you have questions.
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