
Women At the Well’ Hear Compelling Story Of Catholic Iconic Art From A Parishioner Who Knows

Posted on February 8, 2020 by Published by

Attendees at the first OLW “Women At The Well” session of 2020 heard a compelling and informative story and description of Catholic “Iconic Art” from a prominent – and experienced – OLW parishioner who has not only studied “Iconic Art” but has practiced it herself.

Veronica (Ronnie) Brennan, wife of OLW Deacon Jerry Brennan, explained (with examples) the history and spirituality of iconography. A former art teacher who graduated with a degree in art education from the College of St. Francis in Joliet and also earned an MA in art education at the University of Illinois, Ronnie described the history, significance and precise process of creation of legitimate “icons.”

Ronnie has created, or “written” three icons which she displayed and discussed.

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