Religious Education Program

REP News – Week of February 3rd

Posted on February 1, 2020 by Published by

Tuesday, February 4

The following R.E.P. grades have class:

  • Grades 1-4: The R.E.P. third grade students have practice for their Mass in Church at 4:10 p.m. Teachers will be checking Joy, Joy the Mass, pp 12-20, These are to have been completed. Second graders will have First Communion song practice in the Gathering Place. Please return Pizza Order forms for the R.E.P. Pizza Social on Tuesday, February 11, 5:15-7:00 p.m. in the Mackin Center. An email was sent with the form. If you cannot locate it, please contact Louise Dickey at


  • Grades 7-8: Have class. Grade 8 students will be taking their Confirmation test. Report cards with parent signatures are also due back to the Catechist. Pizza order forms should be returned for the R.E.P. Pizza Social on Tuesday, February 11 5:15-7:00 p.m. in the Mackin Center. Forms were handed our at the last class as well as an email was sent with the form. If you cannot locate it, please contact Louise Dickey at



Wednesday, February 5

  • There is a R.E.P. Board meeting in the Cabrini Room of the Parish Center.

Thursday, February 6

  • The Confirmation Light Service for eighth graders, parents and sponsors is on Thursday, February 6 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the Church. Attendance at this event is one of the requirements for Confirmation.

Friday, February 7

  • The school second grade teachers are to check Joy, Joy the Mass, pp 12-20. These are to have been completed.
    All second grade families in both R.E.P. and the School are asked to return all forms – First Communion Retreat parent volunteer form, First Communion Registration Sheet, and if desired, a purchase form for 21st Century Video.


Future Events:

Tuesday, February 11

  • R.E.P. Pizza Social on Tuesday, February 11 5:15-7:00 p.m. in the Mackin Center

Sunday, February 16

  • First Communion Retreat, 2-4 p.m. in the Gym.  Second grade parents attend this retreat with their child

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