
Fall Update from the OLW 2019-2020 Parish Pastoral Council

Posted on November 2, 2019 by Published by

Front row: Fr. Vinod Kumar, Bud Trunk, Fr. Winters, Pat Gatewood, Linda Nicholas, Barbara Condon, Tom King
Back row: Mike Hollis, Mary McIlwee, Carol Stuber, Barb Boarini, Kathy O’Neill, Irene Corcoran, Larry Lawrence,
Missing from photo: John Supplitt

Greetings from your Parish Pastoral Council (PPC). We are the advisory group to Father Winters and and the parish staff, as well as the communication team between the parish ministries and our administrator.

Here are a few fall highlights from the PPC and our ministries:

  • Our Lady of the Wayside said goodbye to Father Ed Fialkowski, our pastor for the past 14 years. Fr. Ed’s Farewell Mass and Reception on October 27th was a true expression of our fondness and gratitude as we wish him well in his new assignment at St. Luke’s in River Forest.
  • We welcomed our new Administrator, Father Winters, in October. Fr. Winters is jumping into our parish life fully committed to his new role. Be sure to introduce yourself to him soon!
  • Can you help? The PPC continues to work on ways to more deeply engage parishioners in our mission. As disciples of Christ, we are expected to worship, to grow in our faith, to serve, to connect and to give. Many of our ministries have a great need for new volunteers! Ask us or any ministry leader where your gifts and talents could be used, and we thank you for your prayerful consideration.
  • Our Advent Masses will be inspiring, meaningful worship experiences in preparation for the blessed Christmas season. We appreciate the many volunteers of all ages who practice and prepare to lead our worship, and we encourage you to invite your friends and neighbors to celebrate Mass with you at Our Lady of the Wayside.

Thank you for your stewardship of time, talent and treasure. Questions or comments on pastoral ministry issues may be emailed to Fr. Winters (


) or the Parish Pastoral Council chairperson, Bud Trunk (


). Please pray for all of our priests, the PPC and all parish ministry groups.

Parish Vision & Mission – We will be a parish that lives the message and mission of Jesus.  We do this by building a nurturing Catholic community through prayer, service and celebration.

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