
Reconnecting With Jesus

Posted on November 21, 2022 by Published by

Our lives are full and fast-paced. Often, we are caught up in the ordinary routines of life. Jesus captures that sense of ordinary things—eating, drinking, getting married, working in the fields, or working in the mill grinding grain—that not only fill up our days, but also distract us from attending to the deep longings of our hearts.

Advent is a season to reconnect with the center of our lives: Jesus Christ. It is the antidote to the ever-present danger of living on the surface of life, of losing contact with the Lord, of being dulled and distracted to the point that we risk missing Him when He comes. This is how we are to understand the urgent warning Jesus issues in today’s gospel to make room in the hectic pace of life for waiting, watching, and hoping. He calls us to make a fresh start at the beginning of a new church year, to realign our attention and place expectations on Him.

A good barometer to measure whether or not God is important to us is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. More than any other time, our Sunday Mass places the Lord’s—Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity—before us. Our communal worship of God’s great Sacrifice of Calvary and Our reception of Jesus’ Body and Blood poured out for us situates us before the one who is our life and salvation.

It is entirely appropriate that today, on this First Sunday of Advent, we come together and recommit ourselves to the worship of God who is the true center and source of our life by renewing our baptismal promises. As we announce to the world our desire to turn away from sin, let us recommit ourselves to keeping Sundays holy by attending Mass in person.

From this Sunday forward, the dispensation from attending Mass that Cardinal Cupich put in place during the pandemic is lifted. Only those who are truly sick and home bound may continue to fulfill their obligation by watching Mass televised on our parish website. All others are obligated to attend Mass in person, which is the most fitting way to honor Our Lord and ensure that He remains the center of our lives and hearts.

Yours in Christ,
Father Arthur

Readings for the First Sunday of Advent: Lectionary 1

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